SEEA AFF Assessment Template

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FAO Statistical Division
Assessment Template (draft)
Version 1.0, April 2014
Authorship: Prepared with inputs from the team at IARNA.
Page updated: July 31, 2015.


This paper aims to provide a structure for discussion and evaluation of national capability of compiling information compliant with the SEEA-AGRI for the purpose of assessing the environmental sustainability of agriculture, forestry and fisheries.

The template starts with a number of questions about the collection and the organization of agriculture, forestry and fishing data and the relevant institutions and their priorities. Then, for each of the nine major data domains of the SEEA Agri, the template records a number of questions. These should allow an overview of the capability to compile the SEEA-Agri accounts. The questions on each domain should be considered in conjunction with the draft tables as designed by FAO staff. Questions are designed to find answers for those data that are available within a country. There is no expectation that each cell in each table is relevant to a single country or that a single agency or department could contain all the data in the scope of SEEA-Agri. Therefore, the answers to the questions require discussion and participation of agencies and experts to determine data relevance and availability.

The last set of questions is about the drawing general conclusions on the assessment process and highlight the right priorities.

The assessment template is not intended to be a substitute of a more detailed assessment of the required institutional arrangements and other factors, such as the consistency and quality of data, which should be assessed in order to determine the resources needed to implement a program of work in this area at national level.

This evaluation template and the subsequent discussion aim to carry out within the broad implementation advice provided in the Implementation SEEA Guidelines that drafted the Statistics Division of the United Nations in 2013. This document provides a broad overview of SEEA implementation and of the general principles and steps that should be considered.

General questions

1. What organizations and agencies play a major role in the collection of data on agriculture, forestry and fisheries?

1.1. Agriculture and fisheries:

1.2. Forestry:

2. Are there publications that include data on the agriculture, forestry and fisheries? Is there a national standard or regular sets of key indicators covering environmental, forest and and fishery issues?

3. What organizations and agencies play a major role in analyzing data on agricultural production and development policies?

4 .What are the main current policy frameworks relevant for the consideration of agricultural, forestry and fisheries production and the environmental sustainability of this production?

5. Are there established research projects in order to consider the environmental sustainability of agricultural production, forestry and fisheries? In particular, are there work programs on environmental-economic accounting / natural capital?

Key data domains

No. 1. Agricultural Products Supply and Use Table (See table SEEA Agri N.° 1.1 - 1.4)

a. Does your country collect data on production quantity, imports and exports of the following?

b. Are available data for detailed types of products? If so, what classifications are used? What are the most important products of analytical interest?

c. Does your country collect data on the number of livestock by livestock type?

d. Does your country collect data on the number of products used for intermediate consumption, household final consumption or in terms of changes in inventory?

e. Is there availability of data on agricultural production at the subnational level? If so, at what level of aggregate demand?

No. 2. Forest products (see table SEEA Agri N.° 2.1 - 2.2)

a. Does your country collect data on the quantity of production, imports and exports for wood products?

b. Does your country collect data on the amount of wood products used for intermediate consumption, household final consumption or in terms of changes in inventory?

c. Does your country collect data on the number of hectares of forest by forest type? What definitions and classifications are used?

d. Does your country collect data on the cubic meters of timber resources by forest type or species?

e. Is there availability of data on timber production at the subnational level? If so, what level of spatial aggregate demand?

f. Does your country maintains data on the production of non-timber forest products? * Partial (for exports).

  1. Does your country collect data on logging residues as a result of forestry?

No. 3. Fisheries (see table SEAA Agri N.° 3.1)

a. Does your country collect data on the quantity of production, imports and exports for fish products, including capture and aquaculture? Is there included subsistence / traditional fishing in these measures? Are data on capture collected by Guatemala vessels as well as foreign flags?

b. Does your country collect data on the quantity of fishery products used for intermediate consumption, household final consumption or in terms of changes in inventory?

c. Does your country collect data about the size fish stocks and / or changes in the size of fish stocksand sustainability of fish stocks? (Note: SEEA Agri table has not yet been developed)

d. Does your country collect data on the number and size of aquaculture facilities? (Note: Agri SCAE table has not yet been developed)

e. Is there availability of data on fish production at the subnational level? If so, at what level of spatial aggregate demand? Are data distinguished between the coastal and the oceanic regions?

*Yes, data for coastal and oceanic regions can be found at Inventory of Continental Water Bodies.

f. Does your country collect data on fishing discarded catch?

No. 4. Water resources and water use (see tables SEEA Agri N.° 4.1-4.4)

** a. Does your country collect hydrological data to provide estimates of precipitation, evaporation, inflows and drains and other areas related streams? Are these data available at national level; by watershed / basin area?**

b. Does your country collect data about the existence / volume of water in lakes and reservoirs, both natural and artificial?

c. Does your country have desalination plants and collect data on the volume of water produced?

d. Does your country collect data on the volume of water abstracted or removed by economic units, including households? Is the volume of water extracted included in water used by economic unit (e.g: Groundwater captured and used by farmers)?

e. Does your country collect data on the volume of water used in agricultural industries including forestry and fishing? The total use may include water used for irrigation and water reused from other economic units?

f. Are there estimates available for water use by specific crop types (eg rice)?

** g. Are there estimates available about the use of water in agricultural activities at subnational level? If so what level of aggregate demand is available?**

h. Does your country collect data on flows of wastewater and reused water; in particular in relation with irrigated farming?

i. Does your country calculates any stocks and flows associated with ground water?

No. 5. Energy Use and GHG emissions (see SEEA-Agri tables N.° 5.1-5.2)

a. Does your country collect data on energy use in agricultural activities?

b. Are these data available by energy product, e.g: electricity, fuel oil, wood, etc?

c. Does your country collect data on GHG emission by energy products used in agriculture?

d. Does your country collect data on GHG emisión from agricultural activities?

No. 6 Fertilizers and pesticides supply and use (see table SEEA Agri N.° 6.1-6.2)

a. Does your country collect data on fertilizers and pesticides production, imports and exports? Are these data collected by active ingredient (e.g: N, P, K) or by product weight?

b. Does your country collect data on fertilizers and pesticides data on agriculture?

c. Are there available estimates on fertilizers and pesticides use by crop?

d. Are there available estimates on fertilizers and pesticides use at subnational level? If so, at what sub-national level?

No. 7. Land Use and Land Cover (see table SEEA Agri N.° 7.1-7.2)

a. Does your country collect data on land use? If so, what classification is used?

b. Does your country collect data on hectares of land used by crop? Are there available data for aquaculture?

c. Does your country collect data by land cover? If so, which classification system is used?

d. Are there produced maps on land cover/land use? If so, which techniques are used (remote sensing, Geographic Information System GIS) to elaborate these maps?

No. 8. Soil resources (SEEA tables under development)

a) Does your country collect data (in hectares) by soil type? If so, what definitions and classifications are used for soil? Do you produce maps by soil type?

b) Does your country collect data on soil volumes (cubic meters) and soil loss, particularly in the areas of agriculture?

c) Does your country collect data on soil characteristics, e.g. soil carbón, balances of N, P, K, cation exchange capacity (CEC)?

No. 9. Economic data (SEEA table under development)

a) Does your country collect information from national accounts for agricultural activities (including forestry and fisheries)? At what detail level?; for example, at the level of the industry, a broad level of products (eg crops),or at a specific type of crop (eg rice)?

b) What variables are calculated? For example, production, intermediate consumption, compensation of employees, value added, gross fixed capital formation, change in inventory, imports and exports, other? Do forecasts include subsistence farming, forestry and fishing?

c) What techniques and sources of information are used for estimates? For example, estimates of production are based on multiplying the quantities produced by the relevant prices of production? To what extent the agricultural census data are used?

d) Does your country collect input-output tables and supplies and uses tables that provide detailed information on agricultural products and inputs?

e) Does your country collect employment measures for agricultural activities (including forestry and fisheries)? Is it a distinction made for self-employed workers and family-workers?

f) Does your country collect information on stocks of agricultural equipment (eg, tractors), and investment in machinery and equipment?



a. What are the main areas of current policy focus in relation to sustainable agriculture, forestry and fisheries production?

b. What are the main areas in which data are available to fill the SEEA- Agri accounts?

c. What gaps need to be filled to meet the data basic requirements for the main areas of policy focus?

Opportunities, obstacles and next steps

a. What are progress opportunities for the development of these data? Consider both national and international initiatives and political and analytical statistics.

b. What are the main obstacles to data expansion and coverage? This could include capacity / statistics skills, institutional arrangements, funding and computing environments, etc.

c. What are the next steps that could be taken to work in SEEA Agri and for the general improvement of agricultural statistics?