Table 4.20. Monetary Supply and Use Tables

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4.20a Monetary Supply table

(Guatemala, year 2010, thousands of quetzales)

Output Imports Taxes less subsidies Margins Total
  1. Crop Products
32,836 3,907 273 24,129 61,145
  1. Livestock Products
8,278 105 0 2,123 10,507
  1. Other Agricultural Products
3,652 32 20 1,254 4,958
  1. Forestry Products
3,551 67 1 2,782 6,401
  1. Fisheries
882 95 7 491 1,474
  1. Rest of the economy
485,865 116,612 20,571 -30,779 592,269
Total 535,063 120,819 20,872 0 676,754

4.20b Monetary Use table

(Guatemala, year 2010, thousands of quetzales)

Intermediate consumption Exports Final consumption Capital formation Total
  1. Crop Products
10,504 15,204 35,933 -495 61,145
  1. Livestock Products
8,367 19 2,008 114 10,507
  1. Other Agricultural Products
947 51 3,960 -1 4,958
  1. Forestry Products
1,408 2,060 2,864 69 6,401
  1. Fisheries
299 544 624 6 1,474
  1. Rest of the economy
201,298 68,070 276,242 46,659 592,269
Total 222,823 85,948 321,631 46,352 676,754